Jeremih and YG’s cover art for “Don’t Tell ‘Em” is also questionable.


Jeremih and YG are two popular rappers in the industry today, so clearly that should tell us that they’re involved with the darker side of the industry as well. I mean, come on. Lesbereal, if you wanna make it to the “top”, you’ve gotta agree to subject yourself and others to things you wouldn’t normally- all in the name of fame in the game.

The cover art for their single “Don’t Tell ‘Em” shows a blonde woman with fringe to her cheeks, covering her eyes like a veil. She’s also doing the universal “shhh” handsign. The hair is (I’m hoping, at least) a wig as well.

Wigs are commonly used in monarch programmed individuals to signify different alters. The fringe over her eyes symbolises blindness to, well, everything. The true nature of both the industry and themselves. Blind to who and what they really are, blind to the amount of control they’re under. This is tied in well with the handsign, which represents silence and secrecy- something understandingly important to the occult elite of the world, and therefore everyone under their control. The title is clever, not only because it’s plastered right on her face which she can’t see, but also because it aptly applies to this concept of secrecy and being shrouded from reality. 

Cover art these days is littered with symbolism, and is usually a surefire way to tell who’s really who, and if you dig a bit further, you can easily find out who is handled by who and through what means. 
Please, for the love of God, do some research if you don’t know anything about this atrocity of a system.

 I’ve got 99 problems, and “Problem” is one of them.


So one of the latest and greatest collabs  has happened, and it’s by Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea- two big up-and-coming artists in the mainstream industry. Okay, so maybe it’s not the greatest, but it’s relevant. And that’s what’s important to cover. When occult symbolism and a hierarchy of power are the very foundation of the music industry- so if you wanna make it big, you have to comply with pushing their agenda. The issue I have with the song “Problem” is not the sound; it’s got nothing to do with the genre, and it’s got very little to do with the lyrics (which are about as deep as puddle, regardless). The problem I have with this song is the overwhelmingly-overused, simple and obvious symbolic theme throughout the entirety of the official Vevo/Interscope lyric video, and surrounding promotional imagery.


Black and white (symbolising duality), and sexualisation to promote the classic “good girl gone bad” image.

Iggy Azalea isn’t too shy of a girl herself. Her frequently raunchy lyrics, and overtly sexual musical themes are things of a parent’s worst nightmare. Although she can be quite explicit, seeing younger stars on channels like Disney and Nickelodeon teaming up with the industry’s leading sex kittens isn’t too uncommon anymore.



This photoset shows her powerlessness and allegiance to the industry and its inner workings. The leopard skin leggings, the checkerboard couch, and the all-seeing-eye are symbols of her status in the monarch world.

Ariana is going through the “good girl gone bad” stage, something all young female stars have to go through at some point to make it big. Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Christina Aguilera, Miley Cyrus, and Beyoncé are just a few examples off the top of my head. After all, innocence doesn’t sell records. But there are two things it does do- earn the trust of parents in order to expose this “phase” to children, and normalise sexualisation of the very innocence they possess.

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Ariana in cat ears (beta programming trigger). She’s also in a shirt with a cat on it. Cat. Kitten. Sex kitten. Get it? Good.


Flashing the occult triple six hand-sign over one eye is super cool.

Masks are representative of multiple personalities in monarch programming. The fact that it’s a kitten should be enough in and of itself to show she has been/is under Beta programming. Once again, the black and white stripes represent the duality of her nature, and the poses go to show the sexualising of innocence and youth is also present.

To symbolise her going through this, she is constantly portrayed as or dressed in black and white and hyper-sexualised. In this context, the black and white represents the concept of duality, a mixing of good and evil through light and dark. Duality holds its place as a common theme throughout many religions and cults, and often, it is a celebration of both extremes of good and evil in human nature- especially in conjunction. Because of this, it is also a standard in monarch programming. Which leads me into this simple lyric/music video.

This video isn’t even technically a music video. It’s a “lyric” video, which really just means “people want a video for this song, but we don’t have time for this, so let’s just throw some words on a screen and flash subliminal imagery behind them”. Whether or not you’re conscious of the heavy symbolism used by the occult elite everywhere you look, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It also doesn’t mean your subconscious doesn’t recognise it and make connections, because your subconscious records everything. No matter the size, speed, or exposure time, your subconscious can pick up on the most minute of details. This makes it a very powerful tool for the industry.

What most people would see when watching this video is simply sexy girls in shadows, winking, licking their lips, moving their hips, and singing. But what’s beneath this lazy facade runs deep in the world of symbolism.

Throughout, Ariana and Iggy are both filmed with rays of shadows on them in various ways. These stripes represent two things: “illumination” and once again, the concept of duality. The idea of esoteric enlightenment is something the occult elite hold very near and dear. A few good, solid times, the rays are focused around one of Ariana’s eyes- both rightside up and upside down.


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As you can see above, the illuminated rays protruding from the eye of providence on Aleister Crowley’s hat strike and uncanny resemblance. This shows the idea that the occult hold, where apparently the more powerful you are, the more godlike you are. Because money might not buy happiness, but it does salvation, right? I have nothing more to say about this “creative” take on the all-seeing eye and its meanings. Other than the fact that they’re clearly out of ideas. And their minds.

The other thing I’d like to point out is the repeated flashing of one eye in the light, and one eye in the dark. Many times, it appears as though these women are split right down the middle by the shadow, part good and part evil. This is the display of blatant dualism in these industry puppets. During Iggy’s part, she is shown nearly always with one eye hidden, once again alluding to the all-seeing-eye symbolism.

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The final thing I’d like to point out is the sexually-charged imagery that runs rampant throughout the video. I understand that Ariana is beyond the age of consent, but I’m not concerned with that. I’m more just making a point of the bits of Beta slipping through- again, suggestive of monarch programming.

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This video might not be Katy-Perry-obnoxious with the overt symbolism, but it’s still symbolically significant. Both of these women are little more than pawns, they’re slaves to the industry. Even Iggy herself has said “too late, now I’m in this bitch”. Once you blow up, you can’t just become un-famous. These record company execs take advantage of young, fame-hungry individuals and make it impossible for them to change their minds. They also cultivate these stars from childhood just like Britney Spears and Cristina Aguilera and every kid that’s ever been on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. So in a way, some of these human beings were never given a chance- even from childhood or birth.

The only way to protect yourself from the malicious intent of the “Illuminati” (or men of power, or the occult elite, or whatever you want to call them- it’s all the same) is to educate yourself about their methods of mass programming and manipulation of the human psyche. Because, while what we know is intricate, the whole picture is far more advanced than we could ever know.

Good luck.