Pills ‘N Potions: A Deadly Concoction.


But I’m not talking about medication and alcohol- no. I’m talking about the latest single by Nicki Minaj released under YMCMB. It’s a rather odd (for her), but not too terrible-sounding song from the rapper-gone-pop-gone-whatever-she-is-now vocalist.
The “simple” meaning of the song is about a toxic relationship that she repeatedly chooses to stay in because she “still loves” him. But beneath the shaky facades of most mainstream pop songs today lie undeniably dark messages. In this, it’s about a slave in the world of monarch programming, and the male in the song and video represents an alter.

The lyrics, on the surface, are easy to grasp. They go over relationships, people who love you, people who don’t really love you, people who hate you, and being better than those people because you sold out to afford your drugs and cars.
Now that we spent all that exhaustive time covering the originality of these lyrics, let’s look a bit deeper and get a grasp on what this song is really all about.

I’m going to assume that most of you who landed on this article have already seen the video and want answers. Welp. I’ll tell you right now that I know for sure this video is not about Easter. Luckily for you, there aren’t any subliminal messages in it, but it is laden with symbolism so let’s walk through this one step by step, yeah?

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It all starts out with Nicki. She’s in cat-eye eyeliner (wink wink) and smoking a cig in a sheer, white robe. But it gets deep fast. The next setting we see her in is one of vulnerability. She’s looking up as though being looked down upon, half-naked and covering up what she can. This Nicki is in black.

She’s singing the lines “Pills ‘n potions, we’re overdosing, I’m angry but I still love you” while the video rapidly switches between her in black and white outfits. These lyrics are the key to understanding all of this. Pills and potions refers to the drugs they use to manipulate a monarch slave into thinking a certain way and becoming easily suggestable. The word “potion” obviously has a magical connotation, signifying the fact that it’s not all just technical medical and psychological torment. It’s much deeper and darker than that. The other keyword is “we’re”. She’s not saying “I’M overdosing”. She says “we’re”. That hints at the whole alter-alter thing.
A few times in this video, she makes hand gestures as though she’s choking herself, symbolising how these slaves are taught to believe that pain is love and love is pain. This is in both black and white, to show that the good parts and bad parts of her are all hurting- and have been taught to want to hurt. That that’s love.



Cue weird rabbit theme coming into play. This is probably the reason most of you came looking for answers, and I’m proud of you. Yeah, that’s right. You.
This starts with a simple Pez dispenser with a white rabbit head. The symbol of a white rabbit is related to Alice in Wonderland programming, and rabbits are related to beta programming (sexual alters, you can probably tell why). In Alice in Wonderland programming, the slave is taught to go “through the looking glass” to dissociate or access certain parts of their mind otherwise secured. The fact that this white rabbit is dispensing pills (not Pez) is accurately representative of how slaves are forcibly hooked on all kinds of hardcore drugs in order to have something to held over them and used to manipulate them (far too easily). Think about it. What wouldn’t a drug addict do at rock bottom, just for their next score? Even then, those are still people with some shred of free will left.
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The next rabbit we see is a black and white picture of a rabbit (in what appears to originally have been in a laying down position), animated standing up and moving his paws to the beat of the music. This one is weird, just in a disturbing way. The fact that they animated what was probably a dead rabbit to look like some kind of Frankenstein robot freak is just odd in and of itself, but it’s scarily applicable to the state of a monarch slave.
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Next thing we see is the the rapper “The Game” (portraying the other alter) looking up at the screen with purple smoky, cloudy, liquidy material coming up from behind his head. Now, as we know, the colour purple is both associated with higher consciousness (“illumination”, per se) and it can also represent an abuser or handler figure in a System- because remember, nearly all handlers are programmed themselves, and many slaves have alters within their System that are handler figures to keep them in line. It’s a hierarchy of power. A pyramid. I think both meanings could be accurate in this circumstance. Since the material is coming from his head, I’m going to say I believe it to represent higher consciousness and his thought. Which can’t be good, because he looks demented when he makes eye contact in the video.

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We then see Nicki continuing to sing, while what I’m going to call “liquid chrome” tears are flowing down her face. This liquid chrome material is pervasive throughout the entire video, and it seems to me to metaphorically represent the manifestation of this toxicity of being a slave and the conflict within a System.

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This next frame is one of the reasons I say this man and Nicki represent alters for one other. They have their backs/attention turned away from one another and seem to be oblivious of the other’s existence at first. They later turn to face one another. This is all mixed around between scenes of Nicki and him individually with the cloudy purple or pink liquid stuff.

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I mean, Nicki has her eyes shut for about 60% of this video, allowing us to better grasp the fact that sometimes, she’s off in a dissociative dreamland created within her mind via monarch programming. That dissociation is represented in this picture.

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These next two pictures are probably the most important ones in the whole video. In one, Nicki is holding the man’s detached head, symbolising an alternate personality. This is also symbolised by masks, dolls, mannequins, pretty much anything that seems human, but isn’t. In the frame where Nicki is being held by him, he has complete control while Nicki seems to be practically asleep. Which is the point in this context. Good on you, creative directors.

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This photo below is representative of domination over a slave and its alters. Any time Nicki is used to portray a handler, she’s wearing tall boots, and I’m assuming it’s because it has ties with BDSM, “D” standing for dominance/domination.Screenshot (387)

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Nicki as a handler figure in “Monster”

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Nicki as a handler figure in “Out of My Mind”.


The following are all representations of the distortion and pure imagination involved in programming. These all go to show that Nicki is in some kind of dream world- when which another alter has taken the host body over.

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Once again, this proves that the liquid chrome really does signify toxicity, as it replaces the smoke later on in the video. But that’s not the only thing that gets replaced. Nicki is actually replaced with the rabbit, who is also smoking a cigarette- hinting at the fact that the bunny “is” her, or symbolises her. It symbolises her having that sexual alter we see throughout the whole video (pictures of which I’ll include in a group at the end, because there are too many to individually account for).

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Taxidermy rabbit made to look alive. Talk about dehumanisation.


This next part in the video is where Nicki places her hand on the black man’s head (mind), and the toxic chrome flows down his face to cover him. He remains statuesque throughout the entire duration, not even noticing. This shit’s important, guys. This is a violent exchange of toxicity between two people. Some of this could also be applied to the context of a slave-handler relationship, but because of the seemingly equalised distribution of power between the two, I’m calling it how I see it. You can determine what you believe on your own.

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Now we see two pills as eyes, with what looks damn well like black tar heroin tears. I wish I had black tar heroin tears…
At this point, complete dehumanisation and infiltration via drugs has come into full play.

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At the end, good Nicki is seen walking amidst a big black sea of cloudy liquid that’s energetically and violently moving about. The black stuff means the good her has been taken over by the darkness (more than likely for good), while her stone cold stare means she doesn’t care anymore. Pretty simple. If the white her in this last few moments of the video were to represent her “core” (Onika Tanya Maraj), then that would mean her core is suspended and surrounded by chaos and darkness, which is also true in monarch slaves.

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In the end, this video was one of the harder ones for me to decipher because it is so vague in parts, but I did my best to interpret what I see with what I know, and if any of you disagree with any of my interpretations please feel free to comment. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The beta state pictures.


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Screenshot (381) What even is that coat? Some kind of abstract animal print? Whatever it is, it’s weird and I don’t like it.

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That’s all, folks. I did my best, and I know this video was in high demand for people looking for all this Illuminati horse shit everywhere. So I hope my interpretation helps solve any questions you may have had. If not, comment and ask and I guarantee I’ll respond AQAP.



Pills ‘N Potions Video Breakdown Coming Soon!

Hey everyone, new Pills ‘N Potions video breakdown coming tomorrow!
Stay tuned and you’ll receive the blessing of knowledge.
You’re welcome.

But seriously, I’m kidding.
Or maybe the next day.
I never know how lazy I’m going to feel…

Nicki Minaj’s new single “Pills N Potions” has a questionable cover.


In this album art, she’s posed as a white rabbit- a common theme in Alice in Wonderland Programming. In this, subjects are tranced and taught to go “through the looking glass” into another part of their individualised internal world. Other commons AIW triggers include white/red roses, gems, size distortion, more mirrors, etc.

She’s also hyper-sexualised with the connotation of “bunnies”, plus no bra. But a slave dressed as an animal, whether it be a cat or rabbit or Ke$ha, is dehumanising. Dehumanisation is one of the central themes to monarch mind control, and is achieved in multiple ways- from depriving one of their senses by locking them in a dark room for 2 days, or leaving a child in a 2-foot long cage with barely enough room to blink.

The lyrics to this song are also a bit “questionable”. The chorus goes:

“Pills and potions
We’re overdosing
I’m angry but I still love you
Pills and potions
We’re overdosing
Can’t stand it, but I still love you”

This could all too easily be applied to the mindstate of programmed victims, where they develop severe Stockholm Syndrome- usually at a very young age if they were sold out into the industry. They learn that pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain, that love is hate and hate is love, bitter sweet and sweet bitter. They get the alters to believe that the torture and unspeakable horrors being inflicted upon them is merely “training”. It saddens me just typing it.

Good to know we live in times where prostitution is more rampant than ever- just in the form of allowing yourself to be made into a sex object by the monstrous industry. Only to be discarded when you age, and lose the only platform that ever made you successful.
Hi, Miley!