Tinashe: The Industry’s Newest Slave!

The “2 On” singer is another female artist to hit the big scene lately, and she’s quite obviously also been programmed with MK Ultra-derived techniques. She also has an album coming out by the name of “Aquarius”. This, I believe, is related to the Age of Aquarius- the astrological age to come. Astrologers say believe that each age (2,150 years) affects the way mankind behaves, and possibly also affects the rise and fall of civilisations. It’s a rather ominous thought to think that a “new age” is coming (or has already arrived), seeing as mankind has made a pivotal turn as far as their priorities and capabilities. The government used to have to convince people to give up their freedoms and liberties, but people are so content that they don’t seem to mind one way or another anymore. But that’s a story for another time.

Anyway. Monarch slaves are commonly dressed in all sorts of triggers, including collars, red shoes (Wizard of Oz programming), chains, winged eye makeup (to reference the eye of Horus), reflective materials, animal prints, black and white (duality), etc. They also adhere to behaviours seen by other beta slaves, including sexual gestures, the covering of one eye, lack of much clothing, the list goes on.

And for those of you wondering, if you ever want to find out if one of your favourite stars (or just someone you suspect is a beta slave) is really a slave, all you have to do is search for their name + the word “photoshoot”. This is because their higher-budget shoots are usually organised for them, and they’re organised ahead of time. This makes it easier to manipulate them. If they arrive on-set, and there’s a table/room full of all kinds of options to wear, they’re under the impression they’re getting a choice– when in reality every one of these objects is going to be a trigger. So, if you search for their name plus that word, and you find dozens and dozens of photos with them in monarch programming-related gear? Welp, there’s your answer.

In fact, I’m hard-pressed to find any picture of Tinashe where she’s not in any of the items listed above.



All black, winged eye makeup, and the covering of one eye.

Black and white stripes. Rightside-up and upside-down pentagrams (blatant duality).

Sexual behaviour, animal print.

Same as above, and the hiding of one eye.

Reflective top, chained pants.

Black and white, winged eye makeup.

Chains and sexualisation, more black clothes.

Obvious sexualisation, and promotion of military gear (not necessarily Beta-programming related, but common among industry slaves).

Instagram photo, self-sexualisation, more black clothing.

Bracers, all black, chains, and hiding of one eye.

Red shoes (“Wizard of Oz” programming)


So as we can see, just by doing a simple search on the internet, you can easily find out who is a monarch slave and who (probably) isn’t, purely based on what they wear (or are told to wear), and how they behave. Tinashe clearly wears all the required garments to be considered a beta sex kitten. Try and find more stars, it’s like a game. Post names below of stars you suspect and if I agree, I’ll write an article on them too! The more the merrier.

Knowing the truth behind certain deaths is important.

Because actress and beta slave Nicole Kidman’s father just died in a tragic fall, so what does that mean?
Perfect trauma grounds for reprogramming.
I don’t know what her handlers have in store for her in the near future, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see/ hear a lot of more of her soon.
One way or another.

Jessie J’s “Thunder”: Isn’t once or twice enough?


Mickey Mouse ears AND bows = mind control triggers.

I mean really, I genuinely lost count of how many times this woman covers one of her eyes in this music video. I truly did. I guess we’ll know by the end of me writing this- but for now just kick back, relax, and have a read. This one is dark. Darker than dark-dark. Like 3dark5me.

I realise that this music video came out in 2013, but I’d forgotten all about it. Recent or not, it’s highly relevant to the information on this blog, so I’m doing a breakdown of it. Deal with it. (;

The colour scheme of this video is completely black. I mean, black everything. When I said “dark”, I meant that in more than one way. Literally, figuratively, whatever you want to call it. It is how it is.
She’s wearing a nude leotard with black detailing and a black full-neck collar (probably alluding to Beta slave status), and she also has black chiffon fabric on both sides taking on the appearance of some kind of cloak or wings at times.

The video is also set in the middle of a desert in the middle of the night with lots of- you guessed it- storms going on in the distance. Lightning flashing all about throughout the duration of it. Lightning represents two things in the context of the occult elite and monarch programming. In reference to the occult, lightning symbolises Lucifer, the “morning star”, who was struck down to earth by lightning in lore. As far as MK Ultra, lightning represents electricity (obviously)- which is important because almost all programming involves some kind of brutal, unthinkable torture. Electroshock is used very frequently because it traumatises the body and mind to the point of complete and total detachment- which is the goal. When one dissociates fully, programming can be executed properly because the consciousness and perception of the person is no longer interfering with the host-victim’s body. Super.

Anyway, the most obvious of all symbolism in this video is the one-eyed sign, commonly known as the “all-seeing eye”, or the “Eye of Horus”. This represents the global elite and their prideful, seemingly omniscient presence and awareness due to their power and the all-seeing, all-knowing power of Lucifer that they evidently hold so near and dear. The one-eyed symbol is the most commonly used symbol in reference to the elite, as the butterfly is to monarch programming. If you see a well-known politician or celebrity doing the one-eyed “salute”, be keen about what they say and do. It’s always important to be vigilant about the world around you and all of what your mind is taking in. Your mind is your most important asset, so it’s important to protect that.

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Leaning up against a car, suggesting she drove to this metaphorical place or was brought here intentionally.

The first thing we see in this video is Jessie leaning up against a black car in said desert, covering herself up with the sheer black fabric, appearing like a cloak. She looks detached and distant, and the way she’s covering herself signals vulnerability.
Next to the car, we can see a small dead tree or plant of some sort that appears as though it was planted relatively recently. This is significant because it shows a lot about monarch programming- the small plant is young but already lifeless, and was intentionally planted that way by hand- into dry, dead soil. Child victims of MK are broken and their spirits killed before they even get a chance. This is done deliberately and calculatedly, into conditions where they’ll never get the chance to sprout or grow. This is just my interpretation, however.

Next is where she begins to come alive, so to speak. Let the Illuminati batshit begin.Screenshot (511)She covers one of her eyes not even a tenth of the way into the video. No need to explain, we allllllll know what that means.Screenshot (512)Screenshot (514)
After she begins to come alive, she opens up the cloak- rendering herself completely open and susceptible. This is important because that’s the state a victim has to be in in order to program or attach darker things to them.
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Ohhh dear, here she goes covering one eye again. In all fairness, she’s better at doing it slyly in videos than some other people. *COUGH*PARISHILTON*COUGH*
Damn, I’m sorry. This cold is really getting to me.
Ahem, so yeah. Anyway.

She then reaches full-vulnerability mode when she quickly bends over backwards, revealing and opening herself up entirely to… well, whatever darkness is consuming her.

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She then covers her eye again, but I’m already getting tired of saying it so I’m just going to include a nice little collection of her many one-eyed shots at the end of this article. We can count and see how many Satan points she gets. Yay!
When lightning strikes in the distance, she whips open the black fabric and thrusts her arms into the air, fabric being blown about by the tumultuous winds surrounding her.
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Soon after, we see her on the ground, bent over forward, shrouded by the black fabric, and contorting and twisting in an eerily inhuman fashion. This type of movement is reminiscent of what you commonly see in exorcisms and possession- and it reminds me of what we saw happen to Elisa Lam, or the way Rihanna moved in her video for “What Now”.

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Weak, and surrounded by darkness.

Oh yeah, and then she awkwardly forms a triangle with her arm. Could be coincidence, but I personally don’t believe in that. This is very iffy, I’m only including it to cover the full scope of possibility. After all, that’s what having lots of speculation and theories is all about, yeah?

Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe, maybe not- but it’s there.

THERE. Now, this is where shit gets real. She begins to take on a dark, demented personality and you can tell it purely by the look in her eyes. Some of them are very quick flashes, and some are more extended, but they definitely give me the creeps.

Evil glare #1.

Evil glare #1.

After that, we see Jessie chaotically moving and twisting about, while also being surrounded by multiples of her doing the exact same. This screams monarch victim because they literally represent the multiple alters within a subject. It’s disturbing knowing what some of these elite and those in their hierarchy of their monarch system are capable of.

Multiple multiples.

Multiple multiples.

They all just look so lost and distressed.

They all just look so lost and distressed.

Once again, lightning strikes. At that exact moment, she’s posed in a way that represents full openness and acceptance. She’s opened up, and the electricity can do its job (symbolically, in a theoretical monarch setting).
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We then see the darkness quickly consuming her, and these pictures can say more than I ever could. There’s nothing more to it than complete and utter destruction of happiness and joy. You can tell by the looks on her faces.

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Collar around the neck, symbolising control and her status as a slave to the industry and its inner workings.

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Turmoil and hatred simmering inside.

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Cue possession traits, these next photos are pretty unsettling. She is shown levitating, hovering over the ground, completely open and exposed. There’s no way around that. In this first of the levitation flashes, the shadow on the ground does not appear to have a head. It could be the angle of the lighting, but I’m not sure. Regardless, it’s strange. And if the shadow is meant to not have a head, then that’s symbolic of dehumanisation and not having any remaining essence, or “core”- meaning the original self. Just a body to be inhabited and used for other means.
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After the darkness has fully consumed her, and she’s now what I’m going to refer to as “possessed” (call it what you want, it’s all the same), she’s shown standing up tall and seductively, reaching out a hand to the viewer.. beckoning for them to join her..

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Once again, shown surrounded by multiples.

We then quickly see her gazing at us through the dark shroud, symbolising her oblivious and distorted mindstate. This happens very quickly, so if you go to watch the video, watch carefully.
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Then, we’re shown her levitating once more, but this time it’s proof- proof that the levitation represents her soul leaving the body open to any and all outside influence, due to the fact that her spirit is actually shown leaving the body. At first, the body is surrounded by light, shadow on the ground. But then, the light is gone, so is her shadow.. and so is she.
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Literally out of her mind.

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Yeah, sand makes me really angry too.

We then see some evil, dark expressions on her face, and her levitating body is now curled up, an empty hollow shell, in a position similar to a fetus in the womb.
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We also see her kneeling on the ground, head bowed down, wrapped in the darkness, and hands behind her back like she’s completely surrendered. Like a slave about to be killed.
Like a slave who’s accepted that they’re nothing.
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Aaand then we see the most disturbing face in the entire video. It weirds me out just looking at it, this bitch be 666% evil.
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We also have the wondrous privilege of seeing her lookin’ like a completely power-hungry, psychotic demon woman. Pics because it happened.

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Appearing all-powerful and demonic.

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Angel of the light, symbolising satanic deception.

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Self-inflicted injury, commonly programmed into victims in case programming starts to break down or go wrong.

At the end of the video, we see Jessie clutching her neck- a very common form of symbolism related to self-injury and masochism. After, at the very end, she collapses. This is very, very similar to Eminem at the end of his video for “Rap God”.

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Collapsed on the ground, nothing left to give.

So there we have it, mates. Jessie J is just as much of a crazy bitch as Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus or any other MK Ultra-diseased “human” being. These people are no joke. They’re truly slaves. They’re truly not who they once were, when they were young and gullible enough to get involved with the entertainment industry.
For the love of god, if you like to write music, do it for you. Don’t do it for the fame, you’ll never be the same.
End of.

Oh yeah. And here are all the numerous one-eyed shots she provided.
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I wonder who she’s working for. :l

MK Celebrities and Self-Awareness



So it’s time for a certified question-and-answer session. I enjoy hearing your input and thoughts/ideas even more than I enjoy trying to explain what I believe.
From now on, comment on any post in this category with questions YOU have too. If it’s genuine and insightful, I’ll break it down and answer it in this category like the following:

A couple days ago, a commenter with the username “Precious” asked:

Q: “Do you think the celebrities in the video know what the directors and editors of the video are trying to hide in the meaning. Or do you think that the celebrities are just as blind as many who listen in to the music. And why are the directors/editors using symbolism as such and supposed mind control ???”

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A: I personally believe that most mind-controlled celebrities (more specifically, their main alter) are aware that they’re probably being taken advantage of to some degree, but I don’t believe that most know they’re being manipulated to anywhere near the degree that they truly are. As far as them understanding the meaning of the symbolism in the various videos/songs/shows/etc that they put out varies.

Seeing as some of these types of media are layered with symbolism- frequently, multiple types- they could very well be aware of or even support SOME of the meanings and ideologies within them. However, I do not believe that monarch celebrities have any external awareness of the MK Ultra-related symbolism and triggers. This is namely because of the fact that if they understood what it meant, it wouldn’t be a trigger, and that knowledge could trigger a collapse of the system’s programming (think Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Mariah Carey, etc.)

When their mind has a hunch about what they are (and it always does to some extent, because the spirit sees and knows all), and how they became that way, the mind sometimes attempts to wreak havoc on the internal system in an attempt to bring the fragmented pieces of their ego back together. This also tends to happen quite frequently the older the subject gets because cerebral atrophy begins to set in. This is exactly why we see so many mysterious “celebrity deaths” when monarch slaves reach early-middle age- they’re being disposed of. Programming doesn’t tend to stay stable once they reach a certain age, so once they’re no longer useful or bringing in revenue, they’re no longer needed. There’s even something dubbed the “27 Club”, due to the strange number of celebrity deaths at that specific age.

As far as pushing the occult symbolism, a lot of it has to do with how cooperative their front alter(s) is. If they, themselves are programmed to be into into occult/esoteric symbolism or mystic-type religions like Luciferianism, Kabbalah, Scientology, etc, then there’s no reason to try and obscure the meaning of the symbolism or agenda they’re being used to push. In fact, many are more than happy to oblige. Remember, their front alters usually don’t tend to have many questions or desires beyond their bubble they happily live in. Taking orders and making the money they do makes for an easy, comfortable life. That, in turn, makes it easy to just cooperate- regardless of whether or not they agree with or even understand what they’re being used to push.

Also, as far as why they push all these symbols and subliminal meanings in our faces is because it makes for easy mass programming. When everyone is slowly exposed to this repetitive bullshit over generations, they care less and less about important matters and more and more about hashtags and twerking. That makes for an easily controllable and influenceable public, making major political moves possible with little interference or outrage. But keep in mind, the entertainment industry is only one of the tools the dark government utilises to distort our viewpoints. They also use things like false flag terror to get us to give up our privacy and weapons in exchange for what we’re lead to believe is “security and safety”. In order to usher in the police state and fulfill Agenda 21, all of the tools they use are necessary.

Does that help answer your question?

will.i.am’s “Feelin’ Myself”: A celebration of egomania.

   I know this video was made 3 months ago. I accept my flaws, including the one where I’m not the most musically or internetly up-to-
date person in the world because I actually have a life to attend to, but I saw this video and it really struck me as being one of the
most-obvious I’ve seen thus far in pertinence to MK Ultra/ monarch programming.

   The song is called “Feelin’ Myself”. It’s a collaboration by will.i.am, Wiz Khalifa, French Montana, and last but definitely least, Miley Cyrus. It is the pure celebration of having an ego so big you could take out the entire galaxy with it. These monarch victims/participants are products designed to have “front” alters who are trained to re-wire any and all criticism the sounds of people being “jealous haters”. Without these bulletproof egos, these superstar celebrities likely wouldn’t be able to handle their positions without serious mental breakdowns. Therefore, these egomaniac alters are the “protectors” of their systems, triggered by any number of things.

   In the beginning of this video, will.i.am takes his place next to Miley to put his fist into the air and say “will-power”.
Miley just stands there, kind of dancing a little lazily and looking off-screen to be directed every moment. No big deal. Except she’s also wearing a Chanel jacket covered in chains, and is wearing actual chains. Pretty self-explanatory, I guess.


   We then see will.i.am leaning against a car, trying to look badass (Is will.i.am really “badass”? Why is he even relevant anymore, isn’t he like 40 now?), except it’s not working because he’s leaning against a car that looks like it was made by Hotwheels, and it makes him
look small. Like a pawn.


   Now, every “artist” in this video is shown as computer-generated. I’m not going to sit here and call it “the Transhumanist agenda”
because I’m not here to spread lies or rumours. I’m here to make genuine observations based in fact, regardless of my belief system.
Those facts include the ideas surrounded by the portrayal of these people in this video- the idea that they’re “computer generated”, the idea that they’re disposable and replaceable, and the fact that they’re made to look like human-esque computer creations. As though they’ve been specifically constructed and can be animated according to need.


   will.i.am is constantly portrayed as being made of “glass”, which just so happens to shatter. Twice. This is a symbolic representation of the “shattering” of the human psyche induced by the precision abuse, coreographed electroshock, and timed drugging among other unspeakable acts committed in the process of monarch programming. A mirror is a key symbol in MK Ultra, representing the idea that a mirror can be shattered to create fragments, but even though every fragment is just a piece of the original, each one can still be utilised as a mirror to reflect- its original purpose.

   will.i.am is shown as a computer generation, similar to Eminem’s portrayal in the video for “Rap God”. None of these ideas are new,
but they perpetuate the meaning behind the symbolism repeatedly shown to society through these mediums. In the frame below, we see only a bust of him, surrounded by a bunch of symbols that may seem meaningless at first. But along the right-hand side of the frame, we can clearly see a human body being scanned, eyes (the window to the soul) being displaced, a single eye letting you know who’s behind this, and a rectangular grid of different lights being illuminated which corresponds with what’s known as “domino programming”.



(Slim in “Rap God”)

   Here we see the ever-so-painfully awkward French Montana being shown numerous ways with a detached head, and being fragmented- indicating being dissociative (the main goal of monarch programming), this means he is not all there, and that he is comprised of parts of a whole.




(parts of a whole)

   Another thing they do with all of the people featured here is they show them as literal multiples of themselves, similar to how both
will.i.am and Britney Spears were portrayed in the video for “Scream and Shout”, or the way Beyonce was shown on-screen during her
Super Bowl presentation.




   Up next is the ever-so-classy Ms. Cyrus, and she, like almost all the others at some point, is shown in a triangular-shaped room (omg alluminady lolol!!!one1!!11) and she says “everybody trippin’ like they poppin’ molly, up in the club is where you’ll find me”, along with talking about twerking like an “expert” (even though she apparently doesn’t know how).

   There’s not much significant I can say about this scene, other than the fact that she’s shown all warped and distorted- like most of the others as well at some point. This is significant because people or children being programmed are often drugged and shown themselves in funhouse mirrors to give them a warped perception of themselves. A lot of children are even taken to the Oregon Vortex’s House of Mystery, which is all a physics illusion to make visitors feel distorted and “off-balance”. Basically, it’s a house of completely scientifically-explainable mind-fuckery, but even those not under the influence of drugs or hypnosis become easily confused and disoriented. The only other thing I can add here is that she, at least in my opinion, is obviously in a sexual/Beta alter because of her actions and disposition, especially when it comes to her relation to will.


(Nice triangle room… although she looks a at bit small in proportion, donchya think?)




(digital creation, pliable, replaceable)




(Beta mode: activated) 

At another point in this video, the most blatant symbol of mind-control is used yet again, showing Miley and will through fractured, and therefore distorted glass. It, too changes and warps with their reflections on it.


(sexual alter showing) 

Incoming Wiz Khalifa is shown no differently than the others. Head detached, multiple copies of him, and kaleidoscopic distortions
masked by lyrics like “the bigger the bill, the bigger you ball” to distract us and keep us dumbed-down to fuck.











In the end, all persons are shown in the same frame, and they all disappear one by one. The end.
Yaaay, so worth-it. Well, for me. Not for you. Don’t watch this shit, it isn’t cool, and it’s certainly nothing to emulate or aspire to. It’s just
mind-numbing. With all the flashing lights, distortions, pretty colours, kaleidoscopic patterns, good beats, and familiar faces to disorient us you too can become entranced by the video and an impression can be made into your subconscious. It’s brainrape. Brape?

Whatever. It’s junk.


   Oh yeah, and will.i.am apparently doesn’t know what “suicide” doors, are since he puts his arms up like butterfly doors…
Suicide doors are reverse-hinge. And really dangerous. Y’know, like. Suicide.


wat r u doin