Jessie J’s “Thunder”: Isn’t once or twice enough?


Mickey Mouse ears AND bows = mind control triggers.

I mean really, I genuinely lost count of how many times this woman covers one of her eyes in this music video. I truly did. I guess we’ll know by the end of me writing this- but for now just kick back, relax, and have a read. This one is dark. Darker than dark-dark. Like 3dark5me.

I realise that this music video came out in 2013, but I’d forgotten all about it. Recent or not, it’s highly relevant to the information on this blog, so I’m doing a breakdown of it. Deal with it. (;

The colour scheme of this video is completely black. I mean, black everything. When I said “dark”, I meant that in more than one way. Literally, figuratively, whatever you want to call it. It is how it is.
She’s wearing a nude leotard with black detailing and a black full-neck collar (probably alluding to Beta slave status), and she also has black chiffon fabric on both sides taking on the appearance of some kind of cloak or wings at times.

The video is also set in the middle of a desert in the middle of the night with lots of- you guessed it- storms going on in the distance. Lightning flashing all about throughout the duration of it. Lightning represents two things in the context of the occult elite and monarch programming. In reference to the occult, lightning symbolises Lucifer, the “morning star”, who was struck down to earth by lightning in lore. As far as MK Ultra, lightning represents electricity (obviously)- which is important because almost all programming involves some kind of brutal, unthinkable torture. Electroshock is used very frequently because it traumatises the body and mind to the point of complete and total detachment- which is the goal. When one dissociates fully, programming can be executed properly because the consciousness and perception of the person is no longer interfering with the host-victim’s body. Super.

Anyway, the most obvious of all symbolism in this video is the one-eyed sign, commonly known as the “all-seeing eye”, or the “Eye of Horus”. This represents the global elite and their prideful, seemingly omniscient presence and awareness due to their power and the all-seeing, all-knowing power of Lucifer that they evidently hold so near and dear. The one-eyed symbol is the most commonly used symbol in reference to the elite, as the butterfly is to monarch programming. If you see a well-known politician or celebrity doing the one-eyed “salute”, be keen about what they say and do. It’s always important to be vigilant about the world around you and all of what your mind is taking in. Your mind is your most important asset, so it’s important to protect that.

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Leaning up against a car, suggesting she drove to this metaphorical place or was brought here intentionally.

The first thing we see in this video is Jessie leaning up against a black car in said desert, covering herself up with the sheer black fabric, appearing like a cloak. She looks detached and distant, and the way she’s covering herself signals vulnerability.
Next to the car, we can see a small dead tree or plant of some sort that appears as though it was planted relatively recently. This is significant because it shows a lot about monarch programming- the small plant is young but already lifeless, and was intentionally planted that way by hand- into dry, dead soil. Child victims of MK are broken and their spirits killed before they even get a chance. This is done deliberately and calculatedly, into conditions where they’ll never get the chance to sprout or grow. This is just my interpretation, however.

Next is where she begins to come alive, so to speak. Let the Illuminati batshit begin.Screenshot (511)She covers one of her eyes not even a tenth of the way into the video. No need to explain, we allllllll know what that means.Screenshot (512)Screenshot (514)
After she begins to come alive, she opens up the cloak- rendering herself completely open and susceptible. This is important because that’s the state a victim has to be in in order to program or attach darker things to them.
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Ohhh dear, here she goes covering one eye again. In all fairness, she’s better at doing it slyly in videos than some other people. *COUGH*PARISHILTON*COUGH*
Damn, I’m sorry. This cold is really getting to me.
Ahem, so yeah. Anyway.

She then reaches full-vulnerability mode when she quickly bends over backwards, revealing and opening herself up entirely to… well, whatever darkness is consuming her.

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She then covers her eye again, but I’m already getting tired of saying it so I’m just going to include a nice little collection of her many one-eyed shots at the end of this article. We can count and see how many Satan points she gets. Yay!
When lightning strikes in the distance, she whips open the black fabric and thrusts her arms into the air, fabric being blown about by the tumultuous winds surrounding her.
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Soon after, we see her on the ground, bent over forward, shrouded by the black fabric, and contorting and twisting in an eerily inhuman fashion. This type of movement is reminiscent of what you commonly see in exorcisms and possession- and it reminds me of what we saw happen to Elisa Lam, or the way Rihanna moved in her video for “What Now”.

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Weak, and surrounded by darkness.

Oh yeah, and then she awkwardly forms a triangle with her arm. Could be coincidence, but I personally don’t believe in that. This is very iffy, I’m only including it to cover the full scope of possibility. After all, that’s what having lots of speculation and theories is all about, yeah?

Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe, maybe not- but it’s there.

THERE. Now, this is where shit gets real. She begins to take on a dark, demented personality and you can tell it purely by the look in her eyes. Some of them are very quick flashes, and some are more extended, but they definitely give me the creeps.

Evil glare #1.

Evil glare #1.

After that, we see Jessie chaotically moving and twisting about, while also being surrounded by multiples of her doing the exact same. This screams monarch victim because they literally represent the multiple alters within a subject. It’s disturbing knowing what some of these elite and those in their hierarchy of their monarch system are capable of.

Multiple multiples.

Multiple multiples.

They all just look so lost and distressed.

They all just look so lost and distressed.

Once again, lightning strikes. At that exact moment, she’s posed in a way that represents full openness and acceptance. She’s opened up, and the electricity can do its job (symbolically, in a theoretical monarch setting).
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We then see the darkness quickly consuming her, and these pictures can say more than I ever could. There’s nothing more to it than complete and utter destruction of happiness and joy. You can tell by the looks on her faces.

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Collar around the neck, symbolising control and her status as a slave to the industry and its inner workings.

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Turmoil and hatred simmering inside.

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Cue possession traits, these next photos are pretty unsettling. She is shown levitating, hovering over the ground, completely open and exposed. There’s no way around that. In this first of the levitation flashes, the shadow on the ground does not appear to have a head. It could be the angle of the lighting, but I’m not sure. Regardless, it’s strange. And if the shadow is meant to not have a head, then that’s symbolic of dehumanisation and not having any remaining essence, or “core”- meaning the original self. Just a body to be inhabited and used for other means.
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After the darkness has fully consumed her, and she’s now what I’m going to refer to as “possessed” (call it what you want, it’s all the same), she’s shown standing up tall and seductively, reaching out a hand to the viewer.. beckoning for them to join her..

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Once again, shown surrounded by multiples.

We then quickly see her gazing at us through the dark shroud, symbolising her oblivious and distorted mindstate. This happens very quickly, so if you go to watch the video, watch carefully.
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Then, we’re shown her levitating once more, but this time it’s proof- proof that the levitation represents her soul leaving the body open to any and all outside influence, due to the fact that her spirit is actually shown leaving the body. At first, the body is surrounded by light, shadow on the ground. But then, the light is gone, so is her shadow.. and so is she.
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Literally out of her mind.

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Yeah, sand makes me really angry too.

We then see some evil, dark expressions on her face, and her levitating body is now curled up, an empty hollow shell, in a position similar to a fetus in the womb.
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We also see her kneeling on the ground, head bowed down, wrapped in the darkness, and hands behind her back like she’s completely surrendered. Like a slave about to be killed.
Like a slave who’s accepted that they’re nothing.
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Aaand then we see the most disturbing face in the entire video. It weirds me out just looking at it, this bitch be 666% evil.
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We also have the wondrous privilege of seeing her lookin’ like a completely power-hungry, psychotic demon woman. Pics because it happened.

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Appearing all-powerful and demonic.

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Angel of the light, symbolising satanic deception.

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Self-inflicted injury, commonly programmed into victims in case programming starts to break down or go wrong.

At the end of the video, we see Jessie clutching her neck- a very common form of symbolism related to self-injury and masochism. After, at the very end, she collapses. This is very, very similar to Eminem at the end of his video for “Rap God”.

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Collapsed on the ground, nothing left to give.

So there we have it, mates. Jessie J is just as much of a crazy bitch as Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus or any other MK Ultra-diseased “human” being. These people are no joke. They’re truly slaves. They’re truly not who they once were, when they were young and gullible enough to get involved with the entertainment industry.
For the love of god, if you like to write music, do it for you. Don’t do it for the fame, you’ll never be the same.
End of.

Oh yeah. And here are all the numerous one-eyed shots she provided.
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I wonder who she’s working for. :l

 I’ve got 99 problems, and “Problem” is one of them.


So one of the latest and greatest collabs  has happened, and it’s by Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea- two big up-and-coming artists in the mainstream industry. Okay, so maybe it’s not the greatest, but it’s relevant. And that’s what’s important to cover. When occult symbolism and a hierarchy of power are the very foundation of the music industry- so if you wanna make it big, you have to comply with pushing their agenda. The issue I have with the song “Problem” is not the sound; it’s got nothing to do with the genre, and it’s got very little to do with the lyrics (which are about as deep as puddle, regardless). The problem I have with this song is the overwhelmingly-overused, simple and obvious symbolic theme throughout the entirety of the official Vevo/Interscope lyric video, and surrounding promotional imagery.


Black and white (symbolising duality), and sexualisation to promote the classic “good girl gone bad” image.

Iggy Azalea isn’t too shy of a girl herself. Her frequently raunchy lyrics, and overtly sexual musical themes are things of a parent’s worst nightmare. Although she can be quite explicit, seeing younger stars on channels like Disney and Nickelodeon teaming up with the industry’s leading sex kittens isn’t too uncommon anymore.



This photoset shows her powerlessness and allegiance to the industry and its inner workings. The leopard skin leggings, the checkerboard couch, and the all-seeing-eye are symbols of her status in the monarch world.

Ariana is going through the “good girl gone bad” stage, something all young female stars have to go through at some point to make it big. Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Christina Aguilera, Miley Cyrus, and Beyoncé are just a few examples off the top of my head. After all, innocence doesn’t sell records. But there are two things it does do- earn the trust of parents in order to expose this “phase” to children, and normalise sexualisation of the very innocence they possess.

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Ariana in cat ears (beta programming trigger). She’s also in a shirt with a cat on it. Cat. Kitten. Sex kitten. Get it? Good.


Flashing the occult triple six hand-sign over one eye is super cool.

Masks are representative of multiple personalities in monarch programming. The fact that it’s a kitten should be enough in and of itself to show she has been/is under Beta programming. Once again, the black and white stripes represent the duality of her nature, and the poses go to show the sexualising of innocence and youth is also present.

To symbolise her going through this, she is constantly portrayed as or dressed in black and white and hyper-sexualised. In this context, the black and white represents the concept of duality, a mixing of good and evil through light and dark. Duality holds its place as a common theme throughout many religions and cults, and often, it is a celebration of both extremes of good and evil in human nature- especially in conjunction. Because of this, it is also a standard in monarch programming. Which leads me into this simple lyric/music video.

This video isn’t even technically a music video. It’s a “lyric” video, which really just means “people want a video for this song, but we don’t have time for this, so let’s just throw some words on a screen and flash subliminal imagery behind them”. Whether or not you’re conscious of the heavy symbolism used by the occult elite everywhere you look, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It also doesn’t mean your subconscious doesn’t recognise it and make connections, because your subconscious records everything. No matter the size, speed, or exposure time, your subconscious can pick up on the most minute of details. This makes it a very powerful tool for the industry.

What most people would see when watching this video is simply sexy girls in shadows, winking, licking their lips, moving their hips, and singing. But what’s beneath this lazy facade runs deep in the world of symbolism.

Throughout, Ariana and Iggy are both filmed with rays of shadows on them in various ways. These stripes represent two things: “illumination” and once again, the concept of duality. The idea of esoteric enlightenment is something the occult elite hold very near and dear. A few good, solid times, the rays are focused around one of Ariana’s eyes- both rightside up and upside down.


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As you can see above, the illuminated rays protruding from the eye of providence on Aleister Crowley’s hat strike and uncanny resemblance. This shows the idea that the occult hold, where apparently the more powerful you are, the more godlike you are. Because money might not buy happiness, but it does salvation, right? I have nothing more to say about this “creative” take on the all-seeing eye and its meanings. Other than the fact that they’re clearly out of ideas. And their minds.

The other thing I’d like to point out is the repeated flashing of one eye in the light, and one eye in the dark. Many times, it appears as though these women are split right down the middle by the shadow, part good and part evil. This is the display of blatant dualism in these industry puppets. During Iggy’s part, she is shown nearly always with one eye hidden, once again alluding to the all-seeing-eye symbolism.

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The final thing I’d like to point out is the sexually-charged imagery that runs rampant throughout the video. I understand that Ariana is beyond the age of consent, but I’m not concerned with that. I’m more just making a point of the bits of Beta slipping through- again, suggestive of monarch programming.

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This video might not be Katy-Perry-obnoxious with the overt symbolism, but it’s still symbolically significant. Both of these women are little more than pawns, they’re slaves to the industry. Even Iggy herself has said “too late, now I’m in this bitch”. Once you blow up, you can’t just become un-famous. These record company execs take advantage of young, fame-hungry individuals and make it impossible for them to change their minds. They also cultivate these stars from childhood just like Britney Spears and Cristina Aguilera and every kid that’s ever been on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. So in a way, some of these human beings were never given a chance- even from childhood or birth.

The only way to protect yourself from the malicious intent of the “Illuminati” (or men of power, or the occult elite, or whatever you want to call them- it’s all the same) is to educate yourself about their methods of mass programming and manipulation of the human psyche. Because, while what we know is intricate, the whole picture is far more advanced than we could ever know.

Good luck.

Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”: So in-your-face, it’s offensive.

So I watched the video for Katy Perry’s single “Dark Horse”, which I eagerly anticipated because I knew before they made it that it was going to be good. Not “good” in a sense of “wow, this song is cool, I totally respect her”, but good in a sense of “I know this is going to be too easy”. When I saw it, I was astounded by the pure blatancy of it. The elite are so in-our-face with it because they know they can be. They’ve got the masses so zombified that they perpetually don’t know, don’t care, and continue to eat up all the bullshit they produce.

Well, I for one don’t like being mindfucked by anybody- especially by the people who govern our nations and repeatedly attempt to seduce us to sleep while they take over everything. So in honour of my stance of trying to shake people like a newborn until they wake up and open their eyes to the monstrosity our planet has become, here is my analytical breakdown for the symbolism and meaning behind the video and lyrics for pop-superstar Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”.

The video basically is a combination of Egyptian mythology and MK Ultra overload.
It begins by setting the time and place, although vaguely, by showing the words “Memphis, Egypt a crazy long time ago”.
Please, be more ambiguous.


The first thing we see is Katy dressed like an Egyptian goddess, being rowed down what I assume is a river in a boat (which is
significant in the story of Horus and Set in Egyptian mythology) with immediate monarch programming triggers. We see a blue man
with a cage around his head symbolising control of the mind, and a de-humanised beta slave with the head of a cat attached by chains.


In the middle is Katy, which we immediately see has the Eye of Horus (which bears the same meaning as the “All-Seeing Eye”, or the
eye of “God”) beneath a triangle literally printed onto her hair.
One of her eyes is also lined exactly like the Eye of Horus, probably coincidentally.
Just kidding, coincidence doesn’t exist in complete fabrications.



Moving on, we see a man approach Katy with a one-eyed patch (again, probably coincidence). He offers her the gift of a stupid-big
diamond, which she eagerly snatches up and examines with a cheesy Eye of Horus prop. Did I mention she also has a snake headdress on that looks oddly like Mickey Mouse ears. Oh yeah, that. And as we should know by now, Mickey Mouse ears are a sign of monarch programming and mind-control. Regardless of its form, this headdress is a snake (evil and temptation), a symbol that shows up a lot in this video- too damn much.




   Oh, and of course she does the whole required “Marilyn Monroe” impersonation. I mean, Marilyn was the first ever diamond-status
presidential-model Beta sex slave, brutally manipulated and later murdered by her handlers. Yes, let’s degrade and disrespect both her image and Katy’s as much as possible. Such a twisted joke.


   Soon after the diamond (God, this video this screams programming) is offered to her, she uses her power of lust and seduction to get her way, and then quickly destroys and consumes her victim’s power once she has what she wants. EXACTLY like Isis, Horus’ mother- the viscious Egyptian goddess of power, magic, and immortality. And in the process of eating the jewels, she makes an insane face usually only found on the mug of Nicki Minaj.





   We see a quick shot of Katy being portrayed as a statue in a modern interpretation of Egyptian carvings. She is surrounded by
golden snakes, wrapping around her hair and her body- reminiscent of the mythological Medusa, which has ties to Isis and Lucifer,
among other Pagan gods. You don’t have to look any further than what’s underground, beneath the Vatican. There are entire rooms built to worship these deities. The chief exorcist of the Vatican has made claims of the devil being present in the Catholic church, and even having to perform an exorcism on another exorcist.


   Anyway, back to the video. Again, somebody brings Katy a gift again- this time, it’s a fat dude with an Eye of Horus stamped on his
belly. He bears all the finest and delicious foods you can imagine- including a pyramid made out of Twinkies, and a giant bowl of
flaming Cheetos. She eats a Cheeto, and it’s too hot, so she gets mad and vaporises the dude. Anger issues? I dunno, I’ll leave that one up to you.

He turns into a goblet of water, which she quickly drinks.


And in between them bringing the treats and her murdering the man, she’s shown yet again hiding one of her eyes, and being
surrounded by programming triggers/symbols like the rabbit- an allusion to Alice in Wonderland programming where the person is
taught to dissociate and “go through the looking glass”. Some of you might say “Hey! The rabbit had a totally different meaning in ancient Egypt! ur so syko lololol” Which is true, but we have to use our brains, and look at these symbols in the context they’re in to analyse them properly. Katy Perry is a monarch slave, and these symbols have a specific meaning to her and her mindstate.



   This theme of seducing men into giving her things with her sex appeal/ power, and her destroying/ altering the bearers occurs THREE more times. Once, a man brings her a pimped-out golden ride with spinners, hydraulics, and a horned animal on it. She turns him into sand like the others, leaving him as a pair of dice for her new ride.

In between this man showing her his ride and her murdering HIM, Juicy J comes out of an Anubis sarcophagus that’s being felt up by the dehumanised cat-slaves. Anubis is highly associated with both Isis and Horus, as Anubis was adopted as Isis’ child, making him a sort of brother figure to Horus. Anubis was the Egyptian god of the Dead, the one who called the shots on who got into the afterlife and who was destroyed. The inside of the sarcophagus is covered with snakes as well.



   J has glasses on with heiroglyphs, but I can’t read them so I’m not going to try. If any of you have a clue, you can feel free to comment and I’ll edit with your translation.


   The other man comes as himself with a chained veil over his face (bringing himself, as in a sex slave possibly?), but once he reveals his face, she sees that he is not a man- but a crocodile. So she destroys him and he turns into a golden croc-skin clutch with, yet again, an Eye of Horus on it (and the crocman’s silver tooth on a chain).
Oh yeah, and she dances on a stripper pole as well. Beta much? Plus there’s another Eye of Horus on the floor. I’m getting tired of
typing those words, that’s how much this symbol shows up in this video. It’s also on the boat she’s on in the beginning. I probably should have said that… but like I said, if I stated every time it showed up, it would take up half the internet.




   So in the end, there’s a final man (wearing a pendant with the Eye of Horus inside a triangle, accentuating the link between the
sybmbolism of the Eye of Horus and the “All-Seeing Eye”) who shows her a giant golden pyramid with an illuminated top. It doesn’t get
more blatant than this, guys.


   She takes her place at the top of the pyramid, showing her limitless power. She spreads her wings and manipulates the skies, looking like a total psycho in the process. This is surefire proof she’s representing the goddess Isis. The powers, not the psycho bit. I dunno, I never met Isis. She could have been a total psycho.



   Aaand, that’s the end of that. Katy is truly fucked-up and there’s no help in the world that could save her at this point because she’s so far gone. This video is the complete opposite of her portrayal in the song “Unconditionally”, marking a distinction between separate personalities. If you think she’s acting, I’d have to disagree. She doesn’t have that much talent. If she did, she’d be on Broadway, not taking orders from record company execs like the puppet she is.

   Even those of you who don’t believe in any of this can plainly see the meaning behind this video.
Bitch be evil.